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The Team


Our talented and dedicated staff are committed to meeting your individual horse’s needs.

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Dr. Alan Donnell

Dr. Donnell is a native Texan and a 1984 graduate of Oklahoma State University. Dr. Donnell established his own practice La Mesa in Pilot Point, Texas; Dr Donnell is dedicated to the treatment and diagnosis of equine lameness and his practice La Mesa has been thriving for over 25 years.

La Mesa has clients travel from coast to coast and from many different countries around the world seeking Dr Donnell's outstanding knowledge, customer service and never ending pursuit of excellence in the medical field of equine lameness.

Dr. Donnell’s unparalleled skills and foresight have made him one of the most sought after veterinarians at many of the major horse shows around the world.

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Dr. Josh Donnell &
Dr. Cameron Stoudt

Dr. Josh Donnell grew up in Canyon, Texas rodeoing, roping, and steer wrestling. He went to West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) and then to Texas A&M University (TAMU) Vet School. Donnell completed his internship at the Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital in Australia. He then went on to complete the Equine Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation residency at Colorado State University (CSU) before becoming a Diplomat in the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation (DACVSMR).

Dr. Cameron Stoudt spent most of her teenage years riding her stepfather’s ranch horses on Montana’s trails. In college, she was captain of her Women’s Tennis team at Oklahoma State University (OSU) where she also earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. Cameron completed her one-year internship and three-year surgical residency at Texas Equine Hospital in Bryan, Texas under the mentorship of Clifford M. Honnas. She continued as an associate for ten years at Texas Equine Hospital before joining ESMR.

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Dr. Sherry Johnson

Dr. Sherry Johnson was raised in Iowa on a row crop farm, spending most of her childhood on the back of a horse. She attended veterinary school at Iowa State University. Dr. Johnson did her Internship at the Equine Medical Center of Ocala (EMCO). She then completed the Equine Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation residency at Colorado State University, became DACVSMR-board certified and has transitioned into a Ph.D. program focused on rehabilitation modalities related to tendon healing.

Dr. Sherry Johnson and Dr. Josh Donnell both trained under the guidance of Alan Donnell and Dave Frisbie. After Josh and Dr. Stoudt married, the three co-owners decided to buy Equine Sports Medicine with the intent of growing and expanding the practice to become Equine Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation (ESMR).